These past few months have brought some great joy!
Ava is just about three and saying some funny things. My most favorite quote of hers right now is:
"I'm stressin' momma!!"
"Why are you stressin' Ava?"
"oh cuz of this rain!"
Ava is a small little gal with a lot of personality. She is spunky and outgoing. Much different than me. Personality wise she is more like David but I think she is even more outgoing than him. She really throws us for loops and keeps us on our toes. She is having fun these days with keeping up with Dora and trying to manage all her 15 or so baby dolls. We recently had her 3rd birthday party and all day she talked about her friends coming to her party and how she couldn't wait to eat cake!
For her party we had a small get together at the church with family and friends. The kids played a cinderella game and then got to decorate cupcakes while the adults mingled.
Little Zoe Sage is 7 and a half months now and I CANNOT believe it. I am seeing her persoanlity bloosem more each day and she is quite the momma's girl. Her new thing is trying to crawl into my lap, or even just crawl. She gets on all fours and then plops down quickly, but she is getting there. The other night I celebrated because she finally slept through the night. We seem to have children that are the lightest sleepers on earth and so any noise outside awakens them! Zoe is now eating more solids and screams till she is red in the face if she is not done eating. She weighs 17 pounds and is in the 75 percentile. I am amazed at how her and Ava are so much alike, yet so different. I am learning their individual needs and trying to parent accordingly.
David and I are not up to much more than last update. David will start the business program at PSU this winter and we are excited that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in the next couple years!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Hope that life is treating all of you well!