Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Faith of a little child

Something simple and sweet, yet a learning experience for Ava that she can draw from at such a young age.

Yesterday, my mom and 'aunt' Teri took the girls for me for the day. It was so kind of them and I was very grateful! As they were trying to leave the house my mom's van wouldn't work and we tried for several minutes to get it started. Our good neighbor and childhood friend Corey came down and he got the car going. (thank you!)
Well they went on their day and stopped for lunch. As they were once again trying to leave the car wouldn't start. Teri was trying to look at it again and in the mean time Ava asked grandma if she could pray for the car to start. Teri came back shortly and Ava told her to try to start the car and it started right away! They decided it would be best to get to the car shop and when the man looked at the battery he said he didn't even know how they drove that car at all. The battery was toast! We all know though that the faith of a little girl and angels round about helped them have an easier day and get the car properly taken care of.
I know that is something so tiny, but really it taught Ava that Heavenly Father hears HER prayers. She was so excited. We know that prayers aren't always answered that quickly, but they sure are answered and we are so thankful for that.

I am glad my little girl had that experience yesterday and that she was happy for a loving Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"To the world you may be just one person...

but to one person you may be the world."

I have procrastinated blogging about this because the quote sums up my beloved Grandma Gene. She was one of the most important people in my world. My heart now has a missing piece until I see her again some day.
The moment I found out my grandma moved on to the next life I panicked. I didn't know what to think or what to do. My grandma was the one to cheer me on with everything I did. Even if I was a complete mess or stressed out Grandma always told me how wonderful I was or that I was important in her life. For a few years now she has been ready to go because she has missed her mama and all her siblings who passed on. Then in June she lost her twin sister and I think that did it for her. She was so lonely for the ones who she grew up with and whom she missed terribly. Even though I struggled with her telling me that she wanted to go, I knew that she loved me. She told me (and my sisters) 'know that wherever I am that I love you.' I hang on to that so much. I believe that she loves me and that she is able to watch over me.
I would like to say though, that I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days. I wish I could yell the message to the world and have people understand that this gospel is true. I have felt the love of it in my life so many times. It may sound weird, but many times since I have lost my grandma I would sob and sob but then the next second I would feel peace and as if I could feel her around me holding me up. One of her many motto's was 'Keep your chin up.' I felt her tell me that. I know she is nearby because of the binding that we have of being an eternal family. I am sooo grateful to know that we are bound as a family. When my grandparents were sealed in the temple it wasn't "till death do us part" and the same thing for my parents and then for David and I. With that being said, the ending is never. We are bound and sealed together forever as a family. I couldn't imagine not having all of my family with me forever. For that I am extremely thankful for temples and their importance. I could go on for hours about the gospel, but I won't. Today, the aspect of the gospel that I love is families and the phrase that "Families can be together forever."
I am thankful for the testimony that my Grandma has in the gospel and I'm sure she is on the other side working to spread the message of Jesus Christ to those who need and want it there. Although I can't see my grandma now, I can live her legacy and share what I know of the gospel with those that I love.
I am grateful for all the many millions of memories I have with her. I sure miss my nightly conversations with her and her singing lullaby's to me, but one day I KNOW I will get to see her again. I couldn't be more excited for that day when I am surrounded by all those that I love and we will live as an eternal family.

Ava and Grandma Gene On Christmas Day 2010

Grandma and I at her 80th Birthday party

My grandparents with Zoe on her blessing Day

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ava and her first pet

Ava recently got a bug catcher and she has been so fascinated with the different bugs that we could find and keep. I am pretty impressed with her excitement to actually keep a bug since her daddy taught her that the minute you encounter a bug just squish it. She will kill bugs with shoes, toys or whatever she can find.
Well today we decided to stake out grandma's yard and found Ava's first pet, a potato bug. She Loves it. His name is potato. She is so obsessed with him that she wanted to take it into a restaurant today, but I thought that was disgusting! Silly little Ava. She sure is our bug lover!!

Look at how proud she is of her 'Mr. Potato Bug'

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just when you think you aren't making a difference

As a mother I tend to be critical on my teaching styles. I always feel that I'm inpatient, not tolerant, frustrated too much and not loving enough. I especially feel like I need to be a better example to my girls about the gospel and showing them how much I love the Savior and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is such an important aspect of my life. I'm sure this is due to the wonderful primary leaders, but tonight I saw Ava sitting on her couch 'reading' her Book of Mormon saying, "Jesus does this and Jesus loves that..." She went on to say lots of things that she has learned about Jesus. I am thankful that at a young age she is learning about someone who is special in my life.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sisterly Love

I captured this moment the other day and this is an EVERY day occurrence. Ava tries to keep her toys away from Zoe, Zoe takes one and then Ava tells her 'that's not APPROPRIATE Zoe!!!!'
I love the sequence of photos because I know one day this will be hilarious to the girls.

Ava is so happy to be reading a book to all of her princess babies. She was showing them off for the camera.

Along comes Zoe, and she quickly grabbed a baby from under Ava's feet.

Ava's classic reaction to Zoe taking her toys. "Zoe this is NOT APPROPIATE!!"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Crazy, Busy, Life...

Time sure has flown since my last post. Ava is just about 3 1/2 and tells you how to behave or lets you know when you aren't. She is cautious about every little thing that she does and then she says she is scared to do anything. On mother's day I was pretty sad that she refused to go up with the rest of the children because she was terrified of the stage. She is a great little girl though. She tries to be Zoe's mommy and lets me know how to parent her quite often.
Zoe just turned 1 on the 4th and we had her birthday party at Glenn Otto Park. She had lots of family and friends to come celebrate with us. She is our daring little child. She goes around like no one's business and takes care of everything that she needs to. She screams to get her way, but then loves her big sister even when she hurts her. This morning Ava was in timeout and Zoe went up to her and patted her back and then attempted to give her a hug. It was pretty precious. They sure do love each other and I am glad that they are not only sisters, but are friends too.

David and I are still working and David is almost half way done with PSU. We are still hoping that summer of 2012 that he will be able to graduate. Even though he is still busy with school we are trying to do date nights. Our newest fun is playing Racquetball. I may stink at it but we have a good time. It takes me back to our H.S. days when he would take me in his big blue truck to play and we pretty much just flirted the whole time instead of playing the game...oh those were the days.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Recent Events

Wow! I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted on here. I think that its time for an update on our family.

These past few months have brought some great joy!

Ava is just about three and saying some funny things. My most favorite quote of hers right now is:
"I'm stressin' momma!!"

"Why are you stressin' Ava?"

"oh cuz of this rain!"

Ava is a small little gal with a lot of personality. She is spunky and outgoing. Much different than me. Personality wise she is more like David but I think she is even more outgoing than him. She really throws us for loops and keeps us on our toes. She is having fun these days with keeping up with Dora and trying to manage all her 15 or so baby dolls. We recently had her 3rd birthday party and all day she talked about her friends coming to her party and how she couldn't wait to eat cake!
For her party we had a small get together at the church with family and friends. The kids played a cinderella game and then got to decorate cupcakes while the adults mingled.

Little Zoe Sage is 7 and a half months now and I CANNOT believe it. I am seeing her persoanlity bloosem more each day and she is quite the momma's girl. Her new thing is trying to crawl into my lap, or even just crawl. She gets on all fours and then plops down quickly, but she is getting there. The other night I celebrated because she finally slept through the night. We seem to have children that are the lightest sleepers on earth and so any noise outside awakens them! Zoe is now eating more solids and screams till she is red in the face if she is not done eating. She weighs 17 pounds and is in the 75 percentile. I am amazed at how her and Ava are so much alike, yet so different. I am learning their individual needs and trying to parent accordingly.

David and I are not up to much more than last update. David will start the business program at PSU this winter and we are excited that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in the next couple years!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Hope that life is treating all of you well!

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